Commercial International Bank Kenya
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The Whistleblowing Statement

Commercial Intenational Bank (CIB) Kenya Limited is committed to the highest standards of ethics and integrity in the way it conducts business and takes very seriously any form of malpractice that is uncovered.

Our Commitment:

CIB Kenya Limited is committed to the highest standards of ethics and integrity in the way it conducts business and takes very seriously any form of malpractice that is uncovered. We understand that this is crucial to our continued success and sound reputation. Our Shared Values, Code of Conduct, and Policies guide our everyday conduct. We acknowledge our professional responsibility to speak up and report unethical behavior and encourage employees, stakeholders, and any other persons with concerns about any aspect of the Bank’s operations to come forth and raise their concerns.


Our Whistleblowing Policy aims to ensure that:

  • Employees and other stakeholders can report suspected or the actual occurrence of any unacceptable conduct, improper or unethical behavior without the fear of victimization;
  • Whistleblowers who report in good faith are protected against any detrimental conduct, harassment, or unfair treatment;
  • Adequate communication channels are made available for whistleblowers;
  • Whistleblowers’ reports are handled with confidentiality;
  • The bank and its stakeholders are protected against financial loss and reputational damage that may arise from impropriety, breach of applicable laws or policy, or misuse of bank resources.


“Unacceptable Reportable Conduct” constitutes:

Confirmed or suspected current, previous, or future incident(s) that undermine or jeopardize the mission or reputation of the Bank and its stakeholders. For example:

  • Misconduct or improper / unethical behavior;
  • Conduct that constitutes a breach of laws or any regulatory requirements;
  • Conduct that represents a danger to the public, or the financial system.


A Whistleblower’s Responsibilities:

  • Report as and when there is reasonable ground to suspect any unacceptable conduct;
  • Act in good faith by only reporting information that is believed to be true – do not report out of malice or make false accusations;
  • Provide all the available evidence to aid in the investigation of the issues raised.


The Bank’s Responsibilities:

  • Treat all Whistleblowers and Whistleblower reports with utmost confidentiality;
  • Evaluation of Whistleblower reports to determine their credibility, materiality, and whether there is enough evidence to substantiate the matters reported;
  • Conduct investigations fairly, quickly and efficiently and take appropriate action.
  • Where disclosure is made, the Whistleblower’s identity (or any information which could identify them) will only be shared where;
    • They provide their consent;
    • CIB Kenya is required to do so by law.
  • In the event of unauthorized disclosure of the identity of the whistleblowers or complainants,CIB Kenya shall institute appropriate disciplinary measures;
  • Employees reporting any breach/suspected breach/irregular activity shall be kept informed of the outcome of any investigation and action CIB Kenya takes.


To the Public

  • Ensure that any Whistleblower who acts in good faith does not face victimization or discrimination, even if they turn out to be mistaken.


How to Whistle blow:

You may report any confirmed or suspected misconduct to the following addresses/number either anonymously or by identifying yourself. Be assured the Bank will maintain utmost confidentiality.

  1. Send your concerns to the e-mail address:
  2. Call the number +254 709 063 633
  3. Send registered mail to the following address:

P.O. Box 2051-00606, Sarit Centre, Nairobi, Kenya.


Addressed to the attention of:

The Chief Compliance Officer and The Chairman of the Board.

This facility will entail round-the-clock confidential service available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.


 Data Confidentiality:

Tip off Reports are only available to designated employees: persons in senior operational, financial or risk management positions.

Whistleblower Disclosure Form

CIB Kenya Limited

Whistleblowers are encouraged to disclose actual, suspected acts related to any Unacceptable Reportable Conduct, as stipulated in the Whistleblowing Policy, that comes to their attention.

Commercial International Bank “CIB Kenya” accepts anonymous reporting. However, The Bank urges whistleblowers to identify themselves as allegations made anonymously make it problematic to investigate the issues or take the proper actions required. When contacts are made available, the Bank can contact the Whistleblower directly to discuss their concerns and examine the Reportable Conduct more quickly and efficiently.

The Bank has adopted a whistleblowing handling policy to protect eligible whistleblowers from detriment. The investigation process is handled with Confidentiality and identity protection as defined under the protection measures as per the bank whistleblowing policy and procedures.

Please provide the following details for any actual, suspected unaccepted conduct, and submit them to ( Or send them via registered mail to the attention of the undermentioned eligible recipients at the following address (P.O. Box 2051-00606, Sarit Centre, Nairobi, Kenya);

The Chief Compliance Officer and The Chairman of the Board.


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